InQidea Solutions

About Us

Conoce más sobre InQidea. Somos mucho más que una simple agencia; somos un equipo apasionado dedicado a convertir en realidad proyectos con enfoque y creatividad.

// 100% Committed

We Serve for the Future.

With technology that enables professional and personal growth, becoming a useful, functional, and contributing tool for humanity.


We develop our own projects that arise from the needs of a sector, population group, or a problem that needs to be solved, as it affects coexistence and knowledge.


A visionary, cutting-edge, and pioneering company in resolving technological issues, led by experts who are attuned to the niche or problem.


Meeting our objectives by carrying out technological projects with the purpose of assisting humanity.

Sobre nosotros

Part of Our Team of Experts.

En InQidea, no solo formamos parte del panorama empresarial español; somos una familia con presencia creciente en Latinoamérica, especialmente en Ecuador y Costa Rica. Nuestra esencia se basa en la diversidad de talentos y la unidad de propósitos, donde cada miembro de nuestro hub interdisciplinario juega un papel crucial en la sinergia que nos define.

Leslie Calvo

Leslie Calvo

Founder & CEO

Audiovisual Producer and Director with over 20 years of experience in the industry. Digital Optimist!

Mauro Morales

Mauro Morales


Front-end developer with a strong passion for the world of technology, challenges, and continuous learning.

Krissel Castillo

Krissel Castillo

Marketing Director

Content Developer and Digital Marketing Specialist, enthusiastic about knowledge and technological innovation.

Jose Lara

Jose Lara

Software Architect

Ing. Telecomunicaciones y desarrollador de software.

Certificaciones: Desarrollador Java por Oracle, Scrum Master.

Especialista en arquitectura de microservicios y frameworks Agile. Bases de datos, testing y seguridad de aplicaciones.

Amador Criado

Amador Criado

Cloud Architect

Software & Infrastructure Engineer, AWS Community Builder, DevOps Engineer.

Habilidades de liderazgo y comunicación. Propiedad de todo el ciclo de vida de un proyecto (SDLC), y motivado para seguir creciendo en la Nube y la automatización.

Olga Guardiola

Olga Guardiola


Extensive experience in project management from the administrative and financial management perspective.

We are a company dedicated and focused on the development of purpose-driven digital resources for humanity.


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