
What is DiMember? DiMember is a SaaS (B2B2C) software that serves as the central hub for foundations and associations. It facilitates networking and optimizes communication between employees, members, and sponsors. With its modular system, DiMember enhances both internal and external communication, making fundraising and sponsor acquisition more effective and efficient.


Applied Technology

Solutions Implemented

Creating business networks

DiMember enables the growth and efficiency of associations and foundations through a comprehensive platform that optimizes internal management and enhances communication between employees and members. Additionally, DiMember connects foundations and organizations in a collaborative network where they can share resources, generate synergies, and work together to achieve greater social impact. Our platform also supports fundraising and the creation of joint campaigns, helping to attract new sponsors and strengthen the sustainability of organizations.

To be the largest and most effective digital network for Spanish-speaking foundations and associations. We aspire to transform collaboration within the sector by facilitating communication, resource management, and the creation of strategic alliances between organizations to maximize their global social impact.

Technological innovations used:

  • Advanced web development: Flexibility and customization.
  • Responsive design: Adapted for smartphones, tablets and computers.

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